Wednesday, April 20, 2011

One Month Old- March 25, 2011

RB had his One month check up. He is growing like a weed and is healthy. He weighed in at 7lbs 11oz and 21 inches long. The Dr. said he is growing and gaining weight so well that we no longer have to feed him every two hours. We are not able to feed him on command. As great as that sounds and in hopes that we might get some sleep one of these nights he has now decided to wake up every two hours to eat. I feel like his body has gotten used to eating every two hours so his little body tells him to wake up. Sleep is something in the past for us these days. I know one day it will come again...just not right now. We are just very happy we have a healthy and happy boy!

Napping with Daddy--He didnt feel very well after his shots

On a side note- I learned something very real on his one month birthday. I had needed to go to the store to pick up just a few items. He was kind of fussing but I thought I would be able to have time to run in and grab those couple of items. Right then and there in the canned fruit isle I learned very fast that life no longer was on my is on RB's time. He was screaming at the top of his lungs. I had only a couple of options...ditch the cart and make a run for the door or trying to get checked out. I decided to try to get checked out. As I am trying to sooth my crying baby and get my grocery's scanned I hear a voice from behind was Nana...I have never been so relieved the see someone before. She was so wonderful and went and fed him while I then finished shopping for the last couple of items. RB was happy to be able to have a little more time to spend with his Nana as well.

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