Monday, April 25, 2011

2 Months Old!

We had a doctors appointment today and RB is growing like a weed. He weighed in at 10lbs 12.5oz and he is now 23 in long. The doctor said he is all healthy and looking good. The poor little man got two shots, one in each leg, and was not very happy about it. Nana came over and snuggled with RB and he started to feel better. He is just needing a little extra love today since he just isnt feeling well after the shots.
 Not happy after his shots
Happy 2 Month Birthday Sweet Pea

Happy Easter!

Well yesterday was RB first Easter. He spent most of it either sleeping, crying, or eating. We had a rough night the night before so he spent most of the day making up for the sleep that mom and dad lost. We went out to the farm after church with the family and hunted Easter eggs (yes we big kids still like to do that). We then ate Easter dinner. The sun finally started to pop out so Nana and Mommy went outside with RB and Brutus while the others napped. After a little while it was time for RB to open his Easter baskets from the Easter Bunny! He slept through the WHOLE thing. We went home a little later that evening and Skyped with TuTu and Grandpa Clausen so they could see him on Easter. RB just loves looking at the computer screen and hearing voices he knows! All in all we had a great Easter and it was very special to be able to spend it with family.
 He of course had to poop right before leaving for church--big brother Brutus always watching over him
 Our First Easter
 We couldn't forget about Brutus--He loves his little brother

 Mommy and RB outside
 Nana and her sweet pea
 The dogs helping us find the eggs
 After the egg hunt
 Grandpa French and RB
 RB with all his Easter presents
 Brutus with his Easter basket
 Easter basket from Nana and Grandpa's house
 RB slept through the whole thing!
 Until right after he woke up for Nana
 Tired little boy getting ready to head home for the night
Mommy and RB at the end of the day on Easter

Naked Grinning Baby

We have been having some struggles to say the least getting RB to sleep at night ever since he has been about a month old. He was on a VERY strict feeding schedule for the first month of his life needing to get woken up every two hours to eat throughout the day and night. The poor little guy just wanted some sleep but we had to wake him up for him to eat since he wasn't gaining the weight he should and started a little smaller. Well at his one month check up the doctor gave us the go ahead and told us he can sleep as long as he would like at night and feed on demand. We were thrilled to say the least! We might finally get to sleep longer then an hour at a time! Well that was short lived because ever since that day RB will only sleep a few hours at a time and wake up at night just screaming. Well we found out about a week ago that the poor little guy has reflux really bad. He was put on some meds for it. They are starting to help a little and he will sleep sometimes 3, 4, and even every once is a great while 5 hours at a time :) Well due to the acid reflux he spits up a lot if laid down too soon after he ends up being a little naked baby in the mornings. H loves to flash that smile on the changing table. I just thought he looked too sweet the other morning to not take a picture or two of him! We are crossing our fingers that we are going to start having more good nights over bad ones and that this medicine will really help him feel better.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Last Playdate on Maternity Leave

Well we had our last playdate with Simon and Richard and a few of the girls from work. It is so hard to believe that it has almost been 9 weeks since RB was born. Time really does fly by! We had a great time eating lunch and watching the boys. Simon spent the afternoon trying to grab RB from the other side of the chair. They are so cute together.
 RB 7 1/2 weeks old

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ricky Bobby Rolling Over

I was too slow getting the phone out to record this so we missed the first part of the roll over but at least I caught the end of it. RB rolled over before at about 6 weeks old but hasnt tried much more after that but tonight for tummy time he kept rolling over...just on that one side! He will turn 2 months old on Monday!

Ricky Bobby: Month 1- Month 2

Here are just random pictures that I have taken over  the past month. From Month 1- almost Moth 2 of RB life.

 First time out to the Farm

 Easter Duck from Great Aunt Judy

 I love my Nana
 In my big boy car seat. Thanks Annie Sue!
 I love to Skype

 7 weeks old

Nebraska Spring Football Game

We had bought tickets to go to the spring game a few weeks ago. We were crossing our fingers for good weather so RB would be able to go with us. The morning of the spring game it was very cold outside so Mommy and RB decided to stay home while Grandpa Clausen and Daddy took off to the game. A few hours after they left it started to warm up really nicely so Nana came over and dropped Mommy and RB off at the stadium so that we could go to the second half of the game. We all had a great time! RB can't wait to go to more football games in the fall!

Grandpa Clausen's Visit- April 15

 Grandpa Clausen was driving through town and stopped in for the weekend. We had a great visit with him and RB really enjoyed being able to nap with him. We were able to go to the Nebraska Spring game and then out to Red Robin for dinner that night. Grandpa Clausen was even able to come and snuggle up his grandson one more time Sunday morning before he left town. RB is looking forward to seeing him again in a few weeks!

 Daddy and Grandpa Clausen at the spring game

Napping with Grandpa Clausen

Olive Garden- Joint Birthday Lunch

The next day we decided to go out to lunch at the Olive Garden. We met Papa Tom, Aunt Megan, and Uncle Pat there. It was a great time as always. We were able to eat a great lunch and be able to spend a little more time together before Papa Tom had to head home.

 Pat recording Papa Tom while the whole time he thought he was taking a picture of him

 RB was passed out by the end of lunch